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Ancient Ayurvedic literature indicates that jackfruit should be consumed in a state prior to its maturation, since in that state it is considered richer in nutrients.

Lately , jackfruit has become a highly popular fruit. Jackfruit is an extremely versatile, delicious and highly nutritious fruit, but do you know where its name comes from and what it means? Here we tell you everything in detail...

The name "jackfruit" comes from the name Chakka in Malayalam. Chakka comes from “Che-Kai” which means a group of green fruits (Kai) together. A fruit group is determined as one jackfruit on a tree has many other jackfruit attached at the core. The name changes to idi-chakka once the jackfruit is soft and to chakka-pazham once it is considered a fruit.
The name "chakka" is not for the ripe fruit, but for the green fruit. "Kai" means green fruit and ancient Ayurvedic literature indicates that jackfruit should be eaten in a state prior to ripening as it is considered richer in nutrients.
The biological name of the jackfruit is “Artocarpus.” Artos means therapeutic bread and carpus means fruit. This means that jackfruit in ancient times was consumed as a nutrient-rich fruit and as a therapeutic food.

Our jackfruit meat is dehydrated in a state prior to its maturation, and
This is why its flavor is neutral and can be added to any stew without altering the flavor. We dehydrate it at low temperatures to preserve all its nutrients. Remember that you can order it by clicking here and we'll send it to your doorstep!

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